here and there until he was satisfied with the results. Cindy was left to spray my hair as he exited as abruptly as he had entered. I loved what I saw. Up 'till now, every time I had my hair done it was in a curly style. Mr. Alex had styled my hair so that it was almost straight, all cut one length and just barely curving from a center part to under my chin in two arcs. It was a very good imitation of Barbara Streisand's look, which was now the rage. When I moved my head it swung around but fell back in place without me touching it. Mr. Alex was a true artist and I could have kissed him if he was still in the room.

"Follow me please, Miss," Cindy said as she led me back to the dressing room where all this had begun.

Waiting for me there was Carol with my new dress on a hanger. Cindy waited as Carol helped me off with my robe and deftly removed my own bra and slipped on another. It was pink satin with generous padding which Carol patted as she winked at me.

"Sometimes we girls need a little help in places," she said. Carol held out a matching pair of panties but there was no way I was going to expose myself in front of these two


"Ah, ah...thanks. I'll ah, just take these with me if you don't mind. It's, ah, time of the month and I don't want to soil them," I blurted out feeling both embarrassed and also proud of myself for coming up with this excuse on such short notice.

"Oh fine. I understand," replied Carol.

She lowered a pink slip over my head. The bodice was snug but the lower section was full and gathered. It was so pretty that you could almost have worn it as a dress.

Next came the actual dress which now fitted me perfectly. The hem came to just above my knees and the waist was tighter than before. The slip gave the skirt the added fullness that it needed and the extra padding in the bra filled out the top nicely.

Carol had me sit on a stool, making sure that I spread out the skirt before I sat so as not to make any wrinkles, and knelt on the floor in front of me and put very sheer white nylon stockings on my legs. I was very nervous, (and yes, excited!) when she reached up my dress to attach the tops to

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By Kammi Morton

the garters on my girdle. This was followed with a pair of new white sandals with a medium heel. When I stood up Carol slung a matching white purse over my shoulder.

"There! Now let's go show you off!" exclaimed Mrs. Baker who was beaming.

We went to a fashionable "tea house" for lunch where again Mrs. Baker seemed to be well known by the staff and also many of the patrons. While feeling just a little nervous at first, I quickly realized that nobody would suspect that I was not what I appeared to be: a freshly coifed, stylishly dressed, pretty young lady!

At last it was time to go home. I was especially carefully getting into the car and arranging my dress "like a lady".

Mrs. Baker kept going on and on about how beautiful I looked and that I was her best "transformation", whatever that meant.

"Oh darn, I forgot that I had to pick something up. Do you see a drugstore around anyplace?"

I looked around and spotted one on the next block, pointing it out to Mrs. Baker.

"Oh good," she answered, quite relieved, it seemed. "There does not appear to be any place to park. Be a dear and run in for me while I circle the block. Some things just can't wait, can they? Here's five dollars. Get me a large box of Kotex, OK?"

What could I say? If I was a real girl, this would have been a very ordinary request but all of a sudden I was very aware that I was a boy!

People were honking their horns as Mrs. Baker remained in the travel lane so I took the money and went inside. I located the feminine hygiene section and was amazed at how big the "large" box was. I had to stand in line behind several customers at the check-out all the time feeling as though everybody was looking at me.

The female checker made change and with a frown said "The curse, huh?" which I did not understand.

Just as I was going out the door I saw Mrs. Baker pass by so I had to wait for her on the sidewalk while she made another round. The store did not have a bag big enough for the box of feminine napkins so everybody walking by could see what I was holding. By the time Mrs. Baker pulled up I

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